Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Evening News

Notice anything about this picture?
(besides the fact that he likes to drink like a hamster)

He's wearing underpants!
Really. He is. All the time now.
Part of me believed this day might never come. 
I pictured him asking his middle school teachers 
if he could go to the bathroom to change his diaper. 

I'm a little surprised at how happy it makes me feel. 
I never thought I would tear up with thanksgiving after peeling my bare feet from his bodily fluids dried on the floor by the toilet.
I never thought I would clap in the Wal-mart check-out line when he yelled Mommy, I need ta pee!

Silas is happy too.
He's filled with pride and encouragement. 
He also regularly moons me and asks Mommy, see my shuga buns?

And let's not forget Mash.
This is what every picture of her looks nowadays. 
Because she's walking! 

Homegirl is on the move. She sure is a spunky little lady.

That's all for now. Thanks for watching and goodnight.

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