This is a tradition we started last year. We carve a pumpkin together every year around halloween. Isn't that creative?
Silas' job is to clean out the guts.
He tried to be strong but it started to freak him out after a while.
This is when the real fun began. I'm usually the token photographer but this time I snatched the baby saw from Brian and did the carving myself. And yes, it's an Elmo pumpkin. I'm astounded at the smorgasbord of ways this guy is able to infiltrate our lives.
Silas was captivated.
(Enter theme song from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. "Look into my will see...what you mean toooo me...")
He was a little worried about Elmo Pumpkin having to stay outside but he eventually got over it.
Let's just hope the hooligans in the neighborhood don't smash Elmo and send the boy into mourning.
That is one impressive pumpkin.